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.ng.js and .ng.html files

Since version 1.2.0 and above, the default behaviour which is using Angular compilation for regular html and js files.

You just need to meteor remove blaze-html-templates ecmascript

So ng-annotate and angular-babel is activated by default for all js files and $templateCache by default for all html files.

If you want to keep using Blaze with Angular you should use the angular-with-blaze package instead of the angular package, don't remove blaze-html-templates and keep reading this file about .ng.js and ng.html

ng-annotate and .ng.js

If you want to avoid minification problems with Angular's dependency annotations, you normally need to use a syntax that you're probably already familiar with:

angular.module('socially').controller('PartiesListCtrl', ['$scope',
    // ...

There is a very popular Angular tool called ng-annotate that automatically adds and removes AngularJS dependency injection annotations. Angular-meteor uses that process automatically. All you need to do is to change your .js files to end with .ng.js. Those files will be recognised by Angular-meteor and automatically corrected, so you can simply write your dependency injection like this:

    // ...

AngularJS templates: .ng.html

Both Blaze (Meteor's templating system) and AngularJS use the same braces or 'double curley brackets' syntax for expressions. That causes issues when you're working with AngularJS in Meteor: Blaze will compile and override your AngularJS expression. To disable that behaviour, you can use the .ng.html file extension.