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Let's start building our Meteor Angular 1 Socially app.

In this step, we will:

  • Setup Meteor and create an app
  • Become familiar with the app's structure
  • Connect an Angular 1 front end
  • Run the application in the browser

Meteor Setup

First step — let's install Meteor!

Open your command line and paste this command:

$ curl | sh

If you are on a Windows machine, go here to install Meteor.

Now let's create our app — write this in the command line:

$ meteor create socially

Now let's see what we got. Go into the new folder:

$ cd socially

Run the app like so:

$ meteor

=> Started proxy
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

Now go to http://localhost:3000/ and look at the amazing app that's running on your computer!

We now have a fully functional app which includes both a server and a client!

The default Meteor app starts life with four files, two js, one html and one css file.

We are going to add our own files for this tutorial. So let's start by deleting the following files:

- client/main.css    (delete)
- client/main.html   (delete)
- client/main.js     (delete)
- server/main.js     (delete)

Now we can start building our app.

Create a new index.html file and place this code inside. Then run the app again.

0.2 Create an empty html file client/index.html
  <p>Nothing here</p>

Note that there is no <html> tag and no <head> tag - it's very simple.

This is because of how Meteor structures and serves files to the client.

Meteor scans all the HTML files in your application and concatenates them together.

Concatenation means merging the content of all HTML, HEAD and BODY tags found inside these HTML files together.

So in our case, Meteor found our index.html file, found the BODY tag inside and added it's content to the BODY tag of the main generated file.

(right-click -> inspect element on the page of your Meteor app in the browser to see the generated file)

Adding Angular 1

It's time to add Angular 1 to our stack!

Because we decided to work with AngularJS in the client side, we need to remove the default UI package of Meteor, called Blaze.

We also need to remove Meteor's default ECMAScript2015 package named ecmascript because Angular-Meteor uses a package named angular-babel in order to get both ECMAScript2015 and AngularJS DI annotations.

So let's remove it by running:

$ meteor remove blaze-html-templates
$ meteor remove ecmascript

Now let's add the Angular 1 package to Meteor, back in the command line, launch this command:

$ meteor npm install --save angular angular-meteor babel-runtime
$ meteor add angular-templates pbastowski:angular-babel

That's it! Now we can use Angular 1's power in our Meteor app.


To start simple, create a new file called main.html under the project's client folder, this will be our main HTML template page.

Then move the p tag from index.html into it:

0.6 Move the main content to a new file client/main.html
<p>Nothing here</p>

Now let's include that file into our main index.html file:

0.7 Add `ng-include` that loads the main.html file client/index.html
  <div ng-include src="'client/main.html'"></div>

But if you load this in your browser, you won't see anything. That's because we still need to create the actual Angular app, which we'll do next.

Note: paths are absolute, not relative! You should always specify a full path regardless which file you're at. The path will begin from the app's root dir.

E.g. let main.html, a file in the app's root dir, should be loaded like so:

<div ng-include="'main.html'"></div>

Building The Angular 1 App

Angular 1 apps are actually individual modules. So let's create our main module.

Create a new main.js file on the project's root folder.

Here you see another example of Meteor's power and simplicity - no need to write boilerplate code to include that file anywhere. Meteor will take care of it by going through all the files in the socially folder and including them automatically.

One of Meteor's goals is to break down the barrier between client and server, so the code you write can run everywhere! (more on that later). But we need Angular 1's power only in the client side, so how can we do that?

There are a few ways to tell Meteor to run code only on the client/server/mobile side.

The simplest way is to use - Meteor.isClient variable. Everything inside this if statement will only run on the client side.

We recommend you to use special directories to keep files in the right place. To read more about it, you can go to "Application structure" chapter of The Official Meteor Guide.

And let's continue defining our Angular 1 application module. Give it the name socially and add angular-meteor module as a dependency:

0.8 Add main.js with angular module client/main.js
import angular from 'angular';
import angularMeteor from 'angular-meteor';
angular.module('socially', [

As you can see, we imported two modules, angular and angular-meteor. Since the second one exports the name of angular module it easier to add it as a dependency.

And use the same application name in the ng-app directive in index.html:

0.9 Add usage of `ng-app` in our app client/index.html
<body ng-app="socially">
  <div ng-include src="'client/main.html'"></div>

Now run the app.

Everything is the same, so now inside our main.html let's add an Angular 1 expression:

0.10 Add some AngularJS code ! client/main.html
<p>Nothing here {{ 'yet' + '!' }}</p>

Run the app again and the screen should look like this:

Nothing here yet!

Angular 1 interpreted the expression like any other Angular 1 application.


Try adding a new expression to the main.html that will do some math:

<p>1 + 2 = {{dstache}} 1 + 2 }}</p>


Go to step 1 to add some content to our application.