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Angular2-Meteor & Meteor-RxJS

Since version 0.7.0 of angular2-meteor, we offer our users to use meteor-rxjs package (which is part of the Angular2-Meteor boilerplate) in order to acheive better results when using Angular 2 along with Meteor.

Angular 2 depends and uses ngrx package, and supports Observable data sources (for example, using ngFor directive).

meteor-rxjs package wraps Meteor basic functionality and exposes RxJS interface to your data and methods.

All of Angular2-Meteor tutorials are up-to-date and uses Reactive Extensions to manipulate the Meteor data, and display it using Angular 2 support for RxJS.

Older APIs, such as MeteorReactive (formerly MeteorComponent) are still available, but deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.

angular2-meteor package is now a combination between meteor-rxjs and angular2-compilers package.

Getting Started

In order to use meteor-rxjs in your application, start by installing it from NPM:

$ npm install meteor-rxjs --save

Then, create your Mongo Collections using Meteor-RxJS:

import {MongoObservable} from 'meteor-rxjs';

export const MyCollection = MongoObservable.Collection('myCollection');

And use it's regular API in order to get Observable of you data, and display it using Async Pipe of Angular 2:

import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {MyCollection} from '../both/my-collection';

  template: '<ul><li *ngFor="let item of myData | async"> {{ item }} </li></ul>'
export class MyComponent {
  myData: Observable<any>;

  constructor() {
    this.myData = MyCollection.find({});

See Also